I got my hands on this marine radio from the early 50's, packed with valves and in lousy condition after god knows how many years in a cold damp barn,
SRA (Svenska Radio Aktiebolaget) 150kHz-4MHz receiver MR 101 and MT 40 crystal transmitter.

The 'before' shots:


'After' shots of the currently working receiver: (one busted valve and a couple of replaced capacitors and it was as good as new!)

This 1959 Philips B5X94A fell into my hand almost for free, it's amazing that a 45 year old radio still works just by plugging in the power,
though I changed all electrolytic capacitors which were in lousy shape, and also made a pass at it with some furniture polish.

(I also found a servicemanual on the internet, unfortunately I can't find the site that provided this but thanks - it helped me alot).

The radio on the right, a Luxor 1124W is from around 1937-1938, one of the 6C6 valves was busted,
that and a handful of components, resistors and caps was changed and now the unit is working superb,
not bad at all for a 70 year old radio, the one on the left is a Centrum 766LV.
Now there are over half a dussin more valve radios in the basement, but nothing fun worth the effort of taking a picture :-)